If you want to feel close to God and feel His strength and love surrounding you, If you want to realize God's love is not something you have to earn, then listen here...
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...sharing His love with boldness, joy, and a heart full of light. If you're tired of striving for perfection, anxious about always trying to be your best, and want a deeper faith rooted in love- it's time to listen in.
In this episode of The Pink Apostle, we dive deep into one of the most important questions of faith: Who is Jesus? For years, I never questioned the Jesus I was taught about in the LDS church—until I encountered the Jesus of the Bible.
In this episode of The Pink Apostle, I share the profound differences between the God I grew up believing in as a member of the LDS church and the God I discovered through the Bible.
Welcome to The Pink Apostle! In this first episode, I want to come alongside you—like a big sister—to share my journey from striving for perfection to resting in God’s grace.
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I lived for 26 years as a devout Mormon. While I truly loved God and wanted to live my life for him, the God I had been taught was not the God I know now. I believed that I needed to be perfect to please God. My mission with the Pink Apostle is to teach you that's not true.
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